
Showing posts from February, 2013

My 100th post! And TURBOFIRE Day 1!

Wow! Today marks my 100th post! Pretty awesome! You know what's even more awesome? Today I did my official weigh in for the start of TurboFire and I weighed in at 157. Wow! I'm super excited about this. When I met my husband, as I said before, I was 155, and I felt pretty good about myself then. My body is different now than it was then, though. Having two kids will do that to you. Plus gaining all that weight and coming back down to a healthier weight makes my body look different than it did before too. That is okay with me though. I just want to be healthy. I don't need my body to look any certain way really. I am doing the 5 day Inferno schedule for TurboFire for my first week. So today was Fire 55 and Stretch 10. I was so impressed with Fire 55! Wow! The music was so bumpin and the moves were so fun. It hardly felt like working out at all! Although, my sweat and calorie burn would say otherwise! I was pouring sweat and burned 493 calories during Fire 55! Wow! I love tha

The Best Cheap Wireless Bluetooth Headphones

I ordered a new arm strap thing for my phone for when I'm running. It's pink. It's cute. I love it! I'm getting so pumped up to run this 5k in May. I really wanted to get some good accessories that will make it an even more enjoyable experience. We already have one armband, but we needed another since my husband and I obviously can't both wear it at the same time.  I got it on eBay for like $3.50 with free shipping. So if you are looking for a cool armband for your phone, LOOK ON EBAY!!! We also only have one good pair of headphones. I hate earbuds. Hate them. My husband has this really awesome pair of headphones but, again, we can't both wear them at the same time. And it's really yucky to try to use them after he has worn them on a run. #GROSS We needed another pair! But I really hate the wires on my husband's pair. They are annoying and get in the way. I wanted a pair of wireless headphones. I started looking but wow were they expensive. Then I came a

TurboFire Challenge!

I think this will be my last week on Body Revolution, Round 2! I know it's only week 11. I saw on Facebook that TurboFire will be doing a Smokin' Hot In 90 Days Challenge and I really want to join this! EVERYONE gets a free TurboFire water bottle just for entering. You have to submit your days 1, 30, 60, and 90 pictures in order to receive the water bottle. Then I don't know how they will determine a winner from the challenge or what the criteria is for winning but the winner gets I think $200 worth of workout apparel. It sounds like fun to me since I was planning on starting TurboFire in 2 weeks anyway. I really feel like this challenge will motivate me and keep me on track! The challenge starts now but we have until Tuesday to submit our day 1 photo and actually begin. So I will finish out week 11 of Body Revolution and start TurboFire on Monday. I was thinking about still doing some of the strength day workouts but I really don't know if I will have time. You know

My Weekend. Guess how many calories you can burn at a concert...

Yesterday was indeed a snow day! Look at my kiddos in the snow! It was kind of a wet, yucky snow though. We played for a bit but not too long! I also did Body Revolution Cardio 3. Officially done with week 10. Today was awesome. Great morning at church with the family and then we went to my mom's. I was certain I wouldn't get a workout in today because my husband and I and my nephew were going to a concert tonight. But then I ended up doing the 30 Day Shred with my mom! Score! The concert was in Norfolk, so about 30 minutes away. It was Winter Jam a big 4 hour long concert with some amazing Christian musicians. We got there early but apparently not early enough. The doors didn't even open for an hour and the line to get in was humongous. Seriously, I have never in my life seen so many people. Ever. It was crazy. So we were in this crazy long line that was wrapped all the way around the block in the freezing cold. Freezing. Cold. There were so many people my husband was sure

Body Revolution Workout 10, End of week 10!

Yesterday was my last day of Body Revolution Workout 10. By the end of it I was sweating so much. Mostly my arms.  My arms were dripping sweat. What a great workout! My BodyMedia FIT says I burned 174 calories, which is better than the last time I did it. Check out my yummy breakfast. A banana and half a toasted English muffin topped with edamame hummus and an egg with cherry tomatoes and spinach. Ugh it was SO GOOD and the whole breakfast was just over 300 calories. Did I mention how GOOD it was? I have an obsession with hummus. It's serious. The other day at trader joe's I picked up some edamame hummus and omg. It was almost better than chickpea hummus. Almost. I had an AWESOME day yesterday. I burned a ton of calories just from moving more. The kids and I went to Farm Fresh and Walmart to get a few things. I needed avocados and had to buy some edamames to make hummus... you know, cause the container I bought the other day from Trader Joe's mysteriously disappeared... alr

Last time doing Workout 9 of Body Revolution.

I cannot believe I'm finishing up week 10 of Body Revolution, Round 2! I have workout 10 tomorrow and Cardio 3 on Saturday and then I'm on to the last two workouts of the whole program. Wow! Before, I could never stick with anything. Now I have (almost) done Body Revolution TWICE! It is such an awesome feeling to stick with something. Since Body Revolution Round 2 is coming to an end, it's time to decide which program I will do next. I have ordered ChaLEAN Extreme and TurboFire. ChaLEAN Extreme is already here, TurboFire should arrive next week. I also ordered some snazzy adjustable dumbbells to use with ChaLEAN Extreme. But which program should I start first? I know some people are doing a hybrid of both programs. Should I do that? Or one at a time? Sigh. I'm terrible with decisions. Any input from my readers would be amazing! Please! Today we went to lunch at Whole Foods and then went to the aquarium. We had a great time and burned some calories walking around. Today

Walking at the Zoo, Before and After shots of my BodyMedia FIT

As promised, here is a little snapshot of my app before I walked into the zoo. I had burned 1076 calories so far that day and taken 1412 steps. An hour and a half later, I had burned 1443 calories and taken 5788 steps! I really LOVE LOVE LOVE my BodyMedia FIT! It is so cool to me to be able to see my calories burned throughout the day in real time. It really motivates me to move more!

Quick pictures of my Body Media Fit

I wanted to post a few quick pictures of my BodyMedia FIT! Here is a little snapshot of my app so far this morning. As you can see, I've only burned 874 calories so far and it's already 11:03 a.m.. I have figured out that I definitely don't move as much as I thought I did before. I'm actually pretty sedentary when I'm just home with the kids. In order to meet my calorie goal burned for the day I need to move more. So I have decided to add some more walking to my day. We are going to go to the zoo after lunch today and I will post another before and after snapshot of my zoo walking. So here is a picture of my left arm. I am wearing my BodyMedia FIT under my shirt on my left arm. You can see it but it is not overly noticeable. I tried on a short sleeved shirt the other day and you can definitely see it. I just don't care though, although I'm sure some people would care. And here is a picture of the BodyMedia FIT on my arm. Excuse my arm fat. I think it is supp

Body Revolution Workout 9, First time with BodyMedia Fit

Today I did Body Revolution Workout 9 and tracked my calories burned with my BodyMedia Fit. Wow. According to that, I only burned 131 calories. If that is true then I have been so overcalculating calories! I absolutely am not burning as many calories throughout the day as I thought I have been. It is no wonder I haven't been losing weight. This will really be a challenge but I feel good that I know now. I feel like my BodyMedia Fit is giving me the information that I need to go forward. Are any of you watching the Biggest Loser? I've never watched it before this season. I know that the way they are losing weight isn't all that healthy or realistic. I've read lots of stuff online that sounds scary like they workout for hours, eat very little, and dehydrate themselves for weigh ins. I have no clue how much of that is true, but I hate seeing them so disappointed when they "only lose 6 pounds" in a week. One week, one of the contestants lost 21 pounds! What?! My f

First Day with BodyMedia Fit and LAST Day of Week 9, Body Revolution

My BodyMedia Fit Link arrived yesterday when I was in the middle of my workout. I didn't get a chance to set it up until after my husband and I were ready for bed. But I figured it out and got it all set up and charged! But we were in our hotel in Va Beach and I had left the actual strap part to the BodyMedia Fit in the car. So I didn't get to try it out until this morning. When I first put it on, we went for a walk on the beach and it accurately tracked my steps taken (I counted for a few hundred steps, I'm lame). We walked around the mall a bit later and the calories burned seemed accurate. For my workout today, I did Body Revolution Cardio 3 and my 2 usual YouTube workouts. So for a few months my heart rate monitor has been dead so I haven't been able to use that, so I've just been using my previous calorie burn info from myfitnesspal for my Body Revolution workouts (MFP saves it so when you enter in the exercise the calorie burn is saved). Last time I did Cardio

Body Revolution- Finishing out week 9

Yesterday I did Cardio 3 and Workout 9. I doubled up since I took a rest day the day before. Cardio 3. Wow. I forgot how much it made me sweat. I wonder how many calories I burned. My heart rate monitor's batteries are dead and I can't replace them myself. I ordered a Body Media FIT. I am so excited because it will be delivered today! What is BodyMedia FIT? It's an on-body monitoring system. It is really going to help me with my weight loss by tracking my calories burned ALL DAY LONG! It is even going to tell me about my sleeping habits. I will finally be able to tell EXACTLY how many calories I am burning, so I will know EXACTLY how many calories I need to eat. This information is vital! And the best part of all? My Body Media FIT is going to sync up to my MyFitnessPal account. I really am so so excited and intend to do a full review on this product after it arrives and I've used it. Today I will be doing Workout 10 and some YouTube workouts. I am going to do my work

What is the best scale for weight loss?

Today was supposed to be Cardio 3 but I took it as a "rest day". I was still very active. We went to several stores which equaled lots of walking. I also did some intense cleaning. I basically didn't stop moving all day. Tomorrow I will resume my normal workouts! Well while we were shopping today, we bought a new scale! We got one that tells us our body fat, hydration, bmi, and a few other things. I will officially weigh in tomorrow morning using the new scale, but it seems to be a few pounds more than my other scale. It seems to be reading what the doctor's scale says. So I'm going to go by my number tomorrow morning. It may be a gain compared to my old scale but I'll just be taking my readings from that scale from now on. Hope you all had an amazing Wednesday!

Workout 10 of Body Revolution, Round 2!

Today was family day! We had a great time. We ended up going to the aquarium in Va Beach. First, though, we had lunch at Whole Foods. Yum. It's seriously my favorite place on earth. My husband actually suggested we eat there, which surprised me because that's an unlike him suggestion.  I was so proud of the food choices my 3 year old made. He chose broccoli, cauliflower, salad with egg and cheese, tomatoes, and some pasta. I could seriously spend all day in a Whole Foods. All. Day. If you've never been, you have to find your nearest one and go now. It is seriously like my Disney World. Because, I love food. And well, there's a whole lotta good food in there. Anyway, we had fun at the aquarium. My 3 year old really was interested in learning today. We have a membership so we go quite a bit. But today he really observed the fish. He only went in about 4 rooms/exhibit areas today and stayed in each one for about 30 minutes! He seriously sat and watched the same fish for 30

Phase 3, Round 2 of Body Revolution

Today was the beginning of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Round 2, Phase 3! Heck yeah! Workout 9 was a great challenge. I smiled through the whole thing (well, almost all of it. There was a bit of sweating and grimacing). I was surprised at how well I did. It was easier than the first time I did Body Revolution. It was still a good challenge though and I used heavier weights for the moves. I surprised myself at how strong I've gotten. After I did workout 9, I did a few minutes of some YouTube workouts. One was a standing ab exercise , you may have seen floating around Pinterest. It was awesome! I highly recommend it. Then I looked around at the rest of this lady's videos and they all look amazing! I also did her Glute Killer video. Man oh man. That one had me sweating and shaking. I can't wait to do more of her videos. They are great because they are all around 10 minutes long. So they are quick if you just have a few minutes. I think I'm going to add one or two of h

Starting Phase 3 tomorrow!

Well tomorrow is my first day of Phase 3 for Body Revolution round 2! I'm excited and nervous. I forget what exercises we have in weeks 9 and 10. I have done good for my Fit February challenge so far. I have drank my water every day and gotten in my exercises. My scale still is not budging though. It's so hard to not see it move when I feel like I'm doing everything right. I don't feel like I need to be eating more food, but if the scale doesn't budge within the month I will definitely try upping the calories. I feel like I'm fitting into my clothes a bit better though, so even though my scale is not moving, I am noticing positive changes to my body. That's encouraging. I have to remind myself that it isn't always about the scale moving. I'm still overweight so I definitely want to see the numbers go down. I just have to NOT get discouraged and give up when I don't see my weight going down. Today my son desperately wanted to make banana bread. He

Fit February!

Happy February to everyone! So January wasn't as good as I had hoped, fitness wise. I didn't really lose any weight and I feel like I wasn't very motivated with my workouts. I'm determined to change that this month. So I have nicknamed this month Fit February! I am making a few monthly fitness goals and am going to stick to them! Here are my goals: Exercise every day. Even if its a rest day I need to be moving. Drink 8 cups of water each day. This is hard for me. But it's so important! Annnnnd that's it. Yep. Two goals that are both pretty easy. Does anyone wanna join me? Feel free to make your own goals! So this weekend will end phase two of Body Revolution for me. I'm anxious to start phase three. Thought I would post some pictures from today's workout. I workout in my kids playroom with a portable DVD player. But for the past month, my 3 year old has been super super clingy and will not stay in the other room with his daddy while I have some alone ti