Last time doing Workout 9 of Body Revolution.

I cannot believe I'm finishing up week 10 of Body Revolution, Round 2! I have workout 10 tomorrow and Cardio 3 on Saturday and then I'm on to the last two workouts of the whole program. Wow! Before, I could never stick with anything. Now I have (almost) done Body Revolution TWICE! It is such an awesome feeling to stick with something.

Since Body Revolution Round 2 is coming to an end, it's time to decide which program I will do next. I have ordered ChaLEAN Extreme and TurboFire. ChaLEAN Extreme is already here, TurboFire should arrive next week. I also ordered some snazzy adjustable dumbbells to use with ChaLEAN Extreme. But which program should I start first? I know some people are doing a hybrid of both programs. Should I do that? Or one at a time? Sigh. I'm terrible with decisions. Any input from my readers would be amazing! Please!

Today we went to lunch at Whole Foods and then went to the aquarium. We had a great time and burned some calories walking around. Today was Valentine's Day and I'm happy to report that the only chocolate I had today was 2 small pieces of Trader Joe's dark chocolate honey mints. Yum! I'm impressed with myself.

I did Cardio 3 and Workout 9 when we got home. Yesterday was Wednesday and I'm usually so busy with church on that day that workouts don't always happen. So I doubled up today.

Tomorrow should be a nice day at home with the kids. I am planning on taking them on a walk in the morning and then doing some cleaning in the afternoon.

I hope you all had an amazing Valentine's Day!

Check out some of my pics from the aquarium!


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