Phase 3, Round 2 of Body Revolution

Today was the beginning of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Round 2, Phase 3! Heck yeah! Workout 9 was a great challenge. I smiled through the whole thing (well, almost all of it. There was a bit of sweating and grimacing). I was surprised at how well I did. It was easier than the first time I did Body Revolution. It was still a good challenge though and I used heavier weights for the moves. I surprised myself at how strong I've gotten.

After I did workout 9, I did a few minutes of some YouTube workouts. One was a standing ab exercise, you may have seen floating around Pinterest. It was awesome! I highly recommend it. Then I looked around at the rest of this lady's videos and they all look amazing! I also did her Glute Killer video. Man oh man. That one had me sweating and shaking. I can't wait to do more of her videos. They are great because they are all around 10 minutes long. So they are quick if you just have a few minutes. I think I'm going to add one or two of her videos on my strength days if I don't add in extra cardio that day. Please check out her videos. Seriously, awesome.

I have some pretty awesome news. The Color Me Rad 5k is coming to Virginia Beach. I was so excited to sign up for this because I wanted to do it last year but we couldn't do it. So when I heard about it this year I was all over it! Only (tear) by the time I tried to sign up, they were SOLD OUT! Ugh, I was devastated. But then today on Facebook I read that they had opened up more spots! Joy! My husband and I scored two spots and I will officially be running in my very first 5k! I'm so excited to have something to "train" for!

Tomorrow is family day, so we are heading to Va Beach to go to the aquarium. Or the children's museum. Whichever my son finally decides on. It should be a great day! Hope you all had a great day!


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