My Weekend. Guess how many calories you can burn at a concert...

Yesterday was indeed a snow day! Look at my kiddos in the snow!

It was kind of a wet, yucky snow though. We played for a bit but not too long! I also did Body Revolution Cardio 3. Officially done with week 10.

Today was awesome. Great morning at church with the family and then we went to my mom's. I was certain I wouldn't get a workout in today because my husband and I and my nephew were going to a concert tonight. But then I ended up doing the 30 Day Shred with my mom! Score!

The concert was in Norfolk, so about 30 minutes away. It was Winter Jam a big 4 hour long concert with some amazing Christian musicians. We got there early but apparently not early enough. The doors didn't even open for an hour and the line to get in was humongous. Seriously, I have never in my life seen so many people. Ever. It was crazy. So we were in this crazy long line that was wrapped all the way around the block in the freezing cold. Freezing. Cold.

There were so many people my husband was sure we wouldn't get in. But we did get in! But it was so packed there were no more seats left. So we had to stand all the way in the back on the bottom level. It turned out to be the best spot though. We were against the wall and could see everything and I had plenty of room around me, while all the people in seats were kind of squished together.

I jumped the WHOLE TIME. Seriously. It was so much fun I just danced and jumped and moved.

That's Jason Castro right there. I love his music. He was on American Idol from the first season I started watching it. I got his cd tonight and it is so awesome.

It was so fun. So fun.

When I first got there I looked at my BodyMedia FIT app and I had burned around 2000 calories for the day so far. By the time I got home and looked at my app again, I had burned...

3536 calories! What?! Yep. I burned like 1500 calories at this concert. How awesome is that? It didn't feel like a workout I was just having fun. I wish I could do a concert workout everyday. But you can! I can! We can just turn on the music we love and jump and dance and have fun and burn some calories. I'm definitely going to do that more often. Look at the steps I took today. 23,179!!! WHOA!

And please ignore the calories consumed. The app hadn't updated my food total yet. I actually ate wayyyy more calories than that.


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