Fit February!

Happy February to everyone! So January wasn't as good as I had hoped, fitness wise. I didn't really lose any weight and I feel like I wasn't very motivated with my workouts. I'm determined to change that this month. So I have nicknamed this month Fit February! I am making a few monthly fitness goals and am going to stick to them! Here are my goals:

Exercise every day. Even if its a rest day I need to be moving.

Drink 8 cups of water each day. This is hard for me. But it's so important!

Annnnnd that's it. Yep. Two goals that are both pretty easy. Does anyone wanna join me? Feel free to make your own goals!

So this weekend will end phase two of Body Revolution for me. I'm anxious to start phase three.

Thought I would post some pictures from today's workout. I workout in my kids playroom with a portable DVD player.

But for the past month, my 3 year old has been super super clingy and will not stay in the other room with his daddy while I have some alone time to exercise. This is tough for me because I really look forward to that little "break". But I respect that he needs me during his stage he's going through so I let him play in there while I exercise. It makes it a bit harder but totally doable.

What are your February goals?


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