Body Revolution Workout 10, End of week 10!

Yesterday was my last day of Body Revolution Workout 10. By the end of it I was sweating so much. Mostly my arms.  My arms were dripping sweat. What a great workout! My BodyMedia FIT says I burned 174 calories, which is better than the last time I did it.

Check out my yummy breakfast. A banana and half a toasted English muffin topped with edamame hummus and an egg with cherry tomatoes and spinach. Ugh it was SO GOOD and the whole breakfast was just over 300 calories. Did I mention how GOOD it was? I have an obsession with hummus. It's serious. The other day at trader joe's I picked up some edamame hummus and omg. It was almost better than chickpea hummus. Almost.

I had an AWESOME day yesterday. I burned a ton of calories just from moving more. The kids and I went to Farm Fresh and Walmart to get a few things. I needed avocados and had to buy some edamames to make hummus... you know, cause the container I bought the other day from Trader Joe's mysteriously disappeared... already...

Then after the kids nap we went on an hour long walk outside in the beautiful WARM winter weather! It was such a gorgeous day. As usual, I wore my littlest on my back in my mei tai (I usually use my woven wrap but wanted to mix it up a bit), and I pushed my oldest in the stroller. My son (3 years old) loved pointing out all of the fire hydrants that we saw along the way. He also tried to identify some of the trees by their leaves.

Here is me and my little sweet girl.

And all three of us on our walk.

 So that was yesterday. Today I will be doing Cardio 3 and then I will be officially DONE with Week 10 of Body Revolution Round 2! Woo hoo! Three weeks left. And I'm struggling with whether or not to actually finish out all three weeks. I'm itching to start ChaLEAN Extreme or TurboFire. But I really want to finish this out. We will see. I will at least finish out week 12. I might not do the last week (week 13). What do you all think?

Hope you all have a great weekend! It's supposed to SNOW here today! I love snow so I don't mind, but I sure hope this is the last snow of the season. I'm ready for SPRING!


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