Workout 10 of Body Revolution, Round 2!

Today was family day! We had a great time. We ended up going to the aquarium in Va Beach. First, though, we had lunch at Whole Foods. Yum. It's seriously my favorite place on earth. My husband actually suggested we eat there, which surprised me because that's an unlike him suggestion.  I was so proud of the food choices my 3 year old made. He chose broccoli, cauliflower, salad with egg and cheese, tomatoes, and some pasta. I could seriously spend all day in a Whole Foods. All. Day. If you've never been, you have to find your nearest one and go now. It is seriously like my Disney World. Because, I love food. And well, there's a whole lotta good food in there.

Anyway, we had fun at the aquarium. My 3 year old really was interested in learning today. We have a membership so we go quite a bit. But today he really observed the fish. He only went in about 4 rooms/exhibit areas today and stayed in each one for about 30 minutes! He seriously sat and watched the same fish for 30 minutes until he wanted to move on. We didn't rush him. He thoroughly enjoyed it. He had a blast identifying different species of fish and learned a lot about sturgeons and longnosed gar.

We got home late, but I still got my workout in. I did workout 10 as well as 18 minutes of YouTube videos. Workout 10 was intense. I really think Phase 3 is going to bring me some results. I'm excited!

Have I mentioned that after Body Revolution this time I am going to do TurboFire? Well I am! I'm so excited. I was reading a lot of reviews on it last night and it really got me pumped. I think it will be the perfect next program for me to try. Everyone seems to have gotten great results from it and I can't wait to see how it will change my body.


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