Body Revolution Day 40 of 90
Look at that. Day 40. Almost halfway there! And I'm completely done with workouts 5 and 6. Monday I am moving on to workouts 7 and 8! This is so exciting. Its fun to watch your body change and become stronger. Jillian is so right. She says you have no idea what you are capable of, just push yourself. Try it. It is so true. So today, workout 6... awesome! I didn't have to modify anything today. The weighted superman move, usually I can't use the weights at all, but today I used the weights and did the superman move both times without modifying. Talk about a victory! That move is crazy! My favorite circuit is still circuit 3. Its mostly ab moves and I could do those all day. I love the windshield wiper ab move. I hope Jillian has some great and fun ab moves in the coming weeks. I really want to peek ahead to workout 12 and see what kind of insane stuff she wants us to do but I will refrain. I don't want to lose motivation by seeing that. I also did couch to 5k week 6 day ...