Body Revolution Day 12 of 90

I did it! I survived 2 weeks of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution! I feel strong and accomplished. I did cardio today and burned 271 calories in the 27 minutes.  Tomorrow is a rest day, but I will still be walking on my treadmill.

Am I only doing Body Revolution? No, I walk on my treadmill for 30 minutes every day in addition to Body Revolution. I am also doing the Couch to 5K program 3 days a week. On those days, I don't do 30 minutes walking on the treadmill, I just do the 28 or so minutes of Couch to 5K. So basically I get an hour of exercise a day. My exercise time is my "me" time and I've grown to love it so much and crave it. My kids are so sweet but they exhaust me. An hour a day of time to improve myself is something I really look forward to.

So even though tomorrow is a rest day, I will be walking on the treadmill. Monday marks the beginning of workouts 3 and 4, and it also means I'm halfway done with Phase 1. My clothes are beginning to look looser. One sweater in particular was very baggy today. I'm impressed. My husband said my legs look so much smaller, and I think they do too. So exciting! I want heavier weights though. Right now I'm using 5 pound weights. For some exercises that feels good, for other exercises I need to go heavier.

Until tomorrow!


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