Body Revolution Day 26 of 90

Today was the last time I will have to do workout 4 for Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I'm really kind of bummed about that. I think workout 4 is my very favorite so far. I love the weighted leg raises and the squirms. I love almost all of the exercises. But ya know, maybe I will find a new favorite in the weeks to come. The fun thing about owning a workout program like this is that after I've completed it, I can do it again if I want to, or pick and choose certain workouts to do as I feel like it.

My plan is to do Body Revolution all over again, but using heavier weights and doing the harder modifications. I really can't wait! I think I'm going to lose 23 pounds total on this program. That's just my guess. So far I'm down 5, but when I stepped on the scale this morning it was wayyyyy down! I won't say what that number is yet because it isn't my weigh day today but sheesh, I would love to see that number again on my weigh day.

I also did some rough measurements even though its not time to measure myself. I've lost inches in my chest (boobs) and legs. My legs really are changing the most I would say. That look so much nicer. My legs are really the part of my body I want to change the most so I'm very pleased. I still don't think it is a change others will notice yet, just me and my husband.

Tomorrow is Cardio 1 for the last time. Then its the END OF PHASE ONE! I can't believe it. Woo hoo!


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