Body Revolution Day 37 of 90

Today I did Workout 6. I really love this workout. Well I don't so much enjoy the exercise where you are in the plank position with the weights in your hands and then you raise the weights. It hurts my hands when they are both on the ground with the weights. Any tips on that? But I love, absolutely LOVE, the last circuit. There is so much ab work and it feels so good. It burns so much but I just smile the whole time. I could do ab work all day.

I went shopping today for a few new clothes. Every single thing I tried on fit me. Even some large items were too large and I had to go down to a medium. I got size large exercise pants when normally I would be extra large. I was so impressed. Even a pair of size 14 pants fit me, but I think it was just that that particular brand was a little large for a size 14. Either way it made me feel nice. I am nowhere near where I want to be, but I wasn't disgusted with what I saw in the mirror today.

I really pushed it today during Body Revolution. I gave it my all. I was nice and glistening with sweat when the workout was over. Tomorrow will be cardio 2 again. I'm looking forward to it. Here is me and my baby girl today.


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