Body Revolution Day 18 of 90

Workout 4 again today, and it was so much easier than last time. Can't believe after tomorrow I will be done with week 3! I plan on not resting on Sunday and taking my rest day this coming Tuesday. I have a class to take Tuesday evening that doesnt let out until 11:00 p.m. so that definitely needs to be my rest day.

Jillian and the gang crack so many jokes in workout 4. I love all the laughs. One thing I want to mention is that some of the moves are challenging, and you might feel like giving up. But if you give up or don't give it your all on the exercise, you are only hurting yourself. Just push it! If you don't you just won't get the best results. Every once in a while I'm tired at the end of an exercise and think, hey, I will just be lazy on the last few, Jillian will never know! But you know what? That isn't gonna hurt Jillian Michaels. That will hurt me and my results. That would be cheating myself out of my Body Revolution. So don't cheat. Each exercise is no longer than a minute, many are less. You can do anything for a minute.

I went on a walk today wearing both of my babies. I wore my heart rate monitor and burned 299 calories on our 40 minute walk. People looked at me like I was crazy, as always. But wearing my babies is so awesome. I'm hands free, close to my babies, and getting a great workout! Its so much nicer to walk with my 2 year old on my back rather than pushing him. I can talk to him and point things out to him so much easier than if I were pushing him. Here we are on our walk.


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