Body Revolution Day 23 of 90

Today was Cardio 1. I am really getting used to this workout. Which is good because it is almost time to start Cardio 2! I am constantly having to remind myself that if it is too easy I can always make it harder by jumping higher or punching harder or sinking deeeeeper in my squats. Some exercises are fairly easy and I need to do that.

Some exercises, like running man, really are tough for me. Some people say it is easy for them and that is awesome. But Running Man is a challenge for me. In that exercise I have to constantly remind myself that it will only last a minute and that I need to push it. Jillian says think of WHY you are doing this because if you have a WHY you can tolerate any HOW. I always think about swimming with my kids or playing on the beach with them and then I push it harder. Think of your goal and push through the pain.

Another thing that I like to do is really listen to Jillian. I love her motivation. She is always saying "You can do this. Don't quit. We believe in you." I like that. I pretend she is talking directly to ME! And I answer her too. Does that make me crazy? I think not. You gotta do what works for you. When she tells me I can do it, I say "yes I can!" Try it. It sounds so lame but it really does work.

I made more almond butter today. Just raw almond butter with nothing added. Yum. I really love adding it to my morning oatmeal. Its become kind of an addiction. But hey, its way better than something else that I could crave.

In other news, my little girl started crawling today. Just a few inches then she stopped, but it still counts! Woo hoo!


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