
Showing posts from January, 2015

Jillian Michaels Body Revolution After a C-Section

I have had several people ask me about doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution after having a C-Section. I am not a doctor, so let me just be clear that you should always consult your doctor before starting any exercise program. Each person is different and each person's body and c-section is different. However, I have had three c-sections. I didn't start Body Revolution until after my second one though. I started about 9 months post-baby, so my body had lots of time to heal and I had long since been cleared for any and all exercise. I had no problems whatsoever with any of the moves or any sort of scar-related pain during the exercises. And now I am doing Body Revolution again after my third c-section. I will say this. After my 6 week checkup post-baby, my doctor cleared me for all exercises, so I started doing body revolution. It was painful. I still felt kind of like I was ripping at my incision site. So I decided it was just a little too soon for Body Revolution. Now my baby

Halfway Through Week 3 of Body Revolution

I am halfway through week 3 of Body Revolution. It's so funny how you forget things when you haven't done them in a while. Workouts 3 and 4 are so so tough. I wonder if by next week I will still think they are so tough? I guess we will see. Today I really did not want to work out. It was pretty much the last thing I wanted to do. But I pushed through and did it any way. I've been watching The Biggest Loser, season 16 on Hulu and it is extremely motivating to me. I know that losing that much weight that fast is unhealthy, and they really go to the extremes to lose weight. But the contestants are so big and out of shape at the beginning and they work SO HARD! What is MY excuse? Seriously. They work hard. I can do this.

What Is So Great About Jillian Michaels Body Revolution?

What is so great about Jillian Michaels Body Revolution ? Answer: Everything! I cannot fully express my love, my sweet, unending love for Body Revolution. It is the only program I've ever been able to stick with. It is the only program that I immediately not only feel results but also see results almost instantly. I'll be done with week 2 tomorrow but already my clothes are looking different on me. They are fitting a little looser and I'm starting to see myself slimming out. My husband can notice too, but it's not likely that others are able to tell yet. Body Revolution is perfect for those of us with a lot of weight to lose (more than 50 pounds). It is an extreme weight loss program! Even if you are extremely out of shape, you will be able to do this! You got this! Like it's no problem! ;) Jillian always tells you how you can modify the exercises to work for you. Every single time she gives you a modification. She also shows you how to make it even harder, so there

My 30th Birthday

Today I turned 30. Wow. I can't believe it. Well I had a pretty good day. It was a cardio day. But I decided to look around on YouTube for some good cardio videos. I found a great channel and did a few cardio workouts. My eating was great... until the cake. I had a bit too much cake. But I feel okay about it because I did so much exercise today and tomorrow there will not be cake. Moderation, right? I'm halfway through week 2 of Body Revolution. I know it's silly but I already feel my body changing. It feels stronger and leaner, and I know it's really just in my mind right now, but it's still motivating. I lost 4 pounds since last week! I'm very excited about that.  I can't wait to see what kind of loss I'll see this week!

Body Revolution- Round 3, Week 2!

I have week one of Body Revolution in the books, folks! Yes! I'm so excited! I started week 2 today. I will weigh in tomorrow morning. My husband is also starting Body Revolution and started week 1 today. He did it with me during my first time with Body Revolution but never quite finished it. He had awesome results though. So, I'm a stay at home mom and I homeschool my oldest, who is in Kindergarten. Other than my five year old, I have a three year old, and my almost 14 month old. Life is pretty hectic. I find it hard to find time to work out. I have such crazy respect and love for you mommas that work outside of the home and still manage to take care of the house and cook and still find time to workout. I really do. I really struggle with finding the time to get workouts in even though I'm home for a good chunk of the day. What I did last week was set my kids up with some toys in the living room and did my workouts in there with them while they played. It worked out alrig

Jillian Michaels Body Shred!

What?! How have I not heard that there is a new Jillian Michaels program out there? I'm so stinking excited. I want to do this! Yes! I will make this my "reward" if I can finish Body Revolution. If I finish Body Revolution I will buy myself Jillian Michael's Body Shred! Has anyone tried it yet? What did you think? How does it compare to Body Revolution?

New Years Resolutions- Getting Healthy

Hello, all! It's a brand new year. I don't know what it is about new beginnings, but they are wonderful. I always feel inspired on a Monday, or the first day of a new month, or most of all, a brand new year. I know it's stupid, but it's totally a psychological thing. The brand new beginnings give me hope. I did not reach my goals at all last year. In fact, I didn't lose any weight at all last year. I wanted to be completely at my goal by my 30th birthday (which by the way is next week...). Well now I am very far away from those goals. But here I am at a brand new year. How awesome is that? I didn't get to my goal by my 30th birthday, but I can make a new goal. In my 30th year, I will love my body and vow to treat it better and to become more healthy. I never really stick to new year's resolutions, and I hear so many people say that they are stupid because, well, people rarely stick to them. Well, I like them. I will never stop making them. This year, I d