Body Revolution- Round 3, Week 2!

I have week one of Body Revolution in the books, folks! Yes! I'm so excited! I started week 2 today. I will weigh in tomorrow morning. My husband is also starting Body Revolution and started week 1 today. He did it with me during my first time with Body Revolution but never quite finished it. He had awesome results though.

So, I'm a stay at home mom and I homeschool my oldest, who is in Kindergarten. Other than my five year old, I have a three year old, and my almost 14 month old. Life is pretty hectic. I find it hard to find time to work out. I have such crazy respect and love for you mommas that work outside of the home and still manage to take care of the house and cook and still find time to workout. I really do. I really struggle with finding the time to get workouts in even though I'm home for a good chunk of the day.

What I did last week was set my kids up with some toys in the living room and did my workouts in there with them while they played. It worked out alright. The baby kept trying to crawl over me and under me so there were some interruptions. Over the weekend my husband and I really babyproofed our playroom and living room. Our baby just started crawling (actually, he doesn't crawl, he scoots on his tushy for the most part) last month so we hadn't gotten too much babyproofing done yet. Well now I'll be able to let them all three play in the play room with the baby gate up. I can see them from the living room and still talk to them and they will be able to play safely while I get my workout in. And if for some reason that doesn't work I can always workout when my husband gets home from work. Or before he goes to work when he's on night shift.

It will all work out. Cause I need to work out. Gotta work out that work out.

Does anyone meal prep? I've been thinking a lot about that lately. I know it would help keep me and my husband on track. When it's payday we are going to buy all the containers we will need to start. I hate little containers. I hate them. But they seem like a necessity for meal prepping, huh? I've seen some great ideas for meals on pinterest. I found Diary of a Fit Mommy on Pinterest and have been obsessed reading through her meal prep ideas.

Do you prep? What are your favorite healthy prepping meals? I've been trying to find super cheap ones. Like... super cheap. Our grocery bill is high enough as it is with three little ones to feed, I just don't want meal prepping to make that bill go up. I feel like if we were smart, the bill could actually go down? Possible? We'll see.


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