New Years Resolutions- Getting Healthy

Hello, all! It's a brand new year. I don't know what it is about new beginnings, but they are wonderful. I always feel inspired on a Monday, or the first day of a new month, or most of all, a brand new year. I know it's stupid, but it's totally a psychological thing. The brand new beginnings give me hope. I did not reach my goals at all last year. In fact, I didn't lose any weight at all last year. I wanted to be completely at my goal by my 30th birthday (which by the way is next week...). Well now I am very far away from those goals. But here I am at a brand new year. How awesome is that? I didn't get to my goal by my 30th birthday, but I can make a new goal. In my 30th year, I will love my body and vow to treat it better and to become more healthy. I never really stick to new year's resolutions, and I hear so many people say that they are stupid because, well, people rarely stick to them. Well, I like them. I will never stop making them. This year, I decided I was going to give up soda, chocolate, alcohol, and meat. And to get healthy. I probably will stumble and consume some of that stuff. But I think the point is that I'm going to try my hardest not to, and less of those things is better.

 So here we are at January 9th. I have not had any of those things except a small glass of soda the other day when I was very sick with a migraine and throwing up. My husband thought a small glass might help my tummy settle. It did, but then I didn't drink any more. I felt so in control. It was awesome. I have also started the most wonderfully awesome workout program in the world. I know you want to know what it is... it is... Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Haha! I don't know why I even bother trying to start any other programs. I always try to do something different but can never stick to them. Body Revolution is the only workout program I have ever been able to stick to and actually finish. What is it about Body Revolution that is so wonderful? I don't know exactly. It's short, Jillian is so motivating, it's fun, it is something different every day. I am almost done with the first week. I started this past Monday. I feel so happy about my choice to restart Body Revolution. ChaLean Extreme and TurboFire are fun and I really hope to actually finish them one day. I just know that I had such great success with Body Revolution the last two times I did it. I look forward to it every day and it's easy (easier) to do with my three children running around. Which by the way I have had to do. Yep. I was on the floor doing bicycle crunches with my one year old trying to crawl over my tummy. That was fun. Oh well, I gotta do what I gotta do.

 I started the New Year at 190 pounds. By the beginning of Body Revolution I was down to 185. So 185 will be my official starting weight. I lost 23 pounds my first round, so I will see how much I lose this time. My ultimate goal is 135, so I have 50 pounds to go. Let's do this! Let me know what your goals are. Let's do this together. Find me on MyFitnessPal!


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