What Is So Great About Jillian Michaels Body Revolution?

What is so great about Jillian Michaels Body Revolution? Answer: Everything! I cannot fully express my love, my sweet, unending love for Body Revolution. It is the only program I've ever been able to stick with. It is the only program that I immediately not only feel results but also see results almost instantly.

I'll be done with week 2 tomorrow but already my clothes are looking different on me. They are fitting a little looser and I'm starting to see myself slimming out. My husband can notice too, but it's not likely that others are able to tell yet.

Body Revolution is perfect for those of us with a lot of weight to lose (more than 50 pounds). It is an extreme weight loss program! Even if you are extremely out of shape, you will be able to do this! You got this! Like it's no problem! ;) Jillian always tells you how you can modify the exercises to work for you. Every single time she gives you a modification. She also shows you how to make it even harder, so there are really no excuses.

I'll give myself as an example. In workouts 1 and 2, at first most of the exercises seem pretty hard. Whoa. Muscles are working... sweat is coming out... this is all not normal for me. Right? But by the second time you do those workouts, they are a little easier. By the third time, I'm thinking to myself, "hey it's not so bad!" Then the very last time you do the exercises (because you only do each workout 4 times, which I'll talk about in a bit), I think "Wow! I did them all and it was so much easier!"



But THEN! You move on to NEW workouts and it starts ALL over again. The first time you think "What in the world, Jillian?! This is SO HARD!" Then it gets easier. Stick with it. I promise you that it will get easier.

Okay, so doing each workout only 4 times. That. Is. AWESOME! Why? Because you just don't get bored! I tried doing the 30 Day Shred several times, but never stuck with it because you do the SAME exercise for like 10 days. It just gets old. With Body Revolution, you never do the same workout back to back. You have at least two days after you do a workout before you do the same one again. I love that. I love it. I don't get bored.

I know this works. I don't understand why with Body Revolution I see the changes happen so quickly. Why not with other programs? I've stuck with them for two weeks or more. I like to think it is because Body Revolution is magical! Okay, I know it's not. But it kinda is.

I'm super excited to begin the second half of Phase 1 on Monday! Is anyone doing Body Revolution with me? Leave a comment and let me know which week you're on!


  1. I just stumbled upon your blog tonight and I'm so glad I did. I kind of started Body Revolution last week. I'm a teacher and there is a small group of us that work out after school a couple times a week. We just started doing these videos. I'm loving it and seriously considering getting the program for home so I can do it in its entirety. I love that it's 30 minutes. I have three kids with the youngest being 14 months. It can be hard to workout with him. He likes to crawl all over me and give kisses that I often need to pause when I'm trying to do any floor exercises. I don't have much weight to lose but I want to get in the habit/routine of consistently working out. I feel so much better when I am being active.


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