Body Revolution Day 61 of 90
Workout 9 again. Wasn't so bad this time around. I'm so glad to be doing this program. Really. I am changing. Everything about me is changing. Since I've started Body Revolution I have become addicted to working out. I want to do it all the time. You know how I started the couch to 5k program? Well I am at week 9 now, the last week. I finished the 30 minute run! If it weren't for Body Revolution I would not have even tried it out! I wouldn't have gotten my butt up at all. We joined the YMCA again. We have been working out there too. I just love working out now. It is insane. This has changed my life so much. I wish I could meet Jillian Michaels just so I could hug her and tell her thank you. I a not at my goal weight yet but I know its going to happen. I feel confident that I'm not giving up. Jillian definitely gave me the push I needed to jumpstart this healthier lifestyle. Here is a picture of me at the zoo with my kids from yesterday. I know you guys probably...