Getting Over a Weight Loss Plateau: Getting the Scale Finally Moving Again!

Well guys, I have been trying to lose weight since my baby was born... 18 months ago. I hadn't lost anything other than the 8 or so pounds immediately after he was born. I was breastfeeding him and expected the weight to fall off.  It didn't.  I am still breastfeeding him and I heard that some people just hang on to the weight when they nurse. But still, it's frustrating. But I had not been good about my eating. Or exercising. So why should I expect to lose any weight really, right?

So as I posted, I joined the YMCA at the end of February and ever since I have been going 4+ times a week! I have exercised SO much in the past few months and feel so proud. My fitness level has gone up tremendously. I went from literally never exercising to doing it every day! Surely I would lose weight then right? Wrong. I still wasn't losing anything. Almost two months later and not even a pound lost. But guess what? My eating was still awful. I just didn't care what I put into my body. But here is what I was thinking. If I'm eating roughly the same, but exercising more, it only makes sense that I should lose weight. But I still didn't lose anything.

The past two weeks I have been really careful about my eating. I have not been super strict with staying within my calories, which I need to do, but I have been eating much less, and much healthier. I have been drinking more water. And guess what is happening? The scale is MOVING. I am finally losing weight!! The past two weeks shows a loss of about 6 pounds and my pants are starting to fall off. Just that little tip of the scale is giving me even more motivation to keep going.

Before I would get discouraged and want to give up. But then I thought, even if I'm not losing anything now, and I give up, what will happen? I won't lose weight, that's for sure. And I'll probably go back up. But if I just continue and try harder then eventually I'm bound to lose some.

So here is what I've learned. Just don't give up! Keep trying, keep going. Nothing will change if you don't.


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