It's been over a year...

I can't believe it. It has been over a year since I have blogged. How did that even happen? Wow. I have been so busy with three young kids. My baby will be 10 months old tomorrow. My oldest kid is 5 and my middle kid is 3. I'm also homeschooling this year. So between the high energy and high needs of my three young kids, homeschooling, breastfeeding the youngest... I haven't even thought to blog. I need exercise so badly. I know I do. I'm so stressed out with kids and am exhausted. I know that exercise is exactly what I need to take my stress away and give me more energy. The problem is finding that time. After I had my last baby I was able to lose a lot of weight by doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution. Well just in the past week my baby has started actually sleeping longer at night. He used to not sleep at all if I'm not laying down with him nursing. We cosleep (bed share, specifically), just like I did with the other kids. Usually I could nurse him to sleep and lay him down in the crib and MAYBE I could get a good thirty minutes to do other things (laundry, dishes, cleaning, nothing fun). But this week has been different! As I'm typing this, he has been asleep in his crib for THREE BEAUTIFUL HOURS! And he has been napping nicely, too. But nap time is when I do school time with my son. So what I'm thinking is this: If this trend continues, my window of opportunity for exercise might be right after he falls asleep at night! I might really be able to do it. I feel fat and yucky. I had done such a wonderful job losing weight. But I gained so much back during pregnancy and have not lost anything after that initial loss after the baby was born. I lost like 15 pounds and after that the scale hasn't budged. At all. In ten months. Is it the nursing? Lack of exercise? Not having time to eat and then just shoving stuff in my face real fast? Seriously. I don't have time to eat. So when I get a few minutes to scarf something down, it's usually something quick and not so great. Anyway. The scale hasn't moved. It's so frustrating. I always thought breastfeeding was just supposed to help you lose so much weight, and I've never had that experience. I just want to get back to where I was before I got pregnant. What should I do, guys? Does anyone have any advice? It's Friday night. I would LOVE to come up with a game plan and get back in the swing of things on Monday. I have Jillian Michael's Body Revolution, Turbo Fire, ChaLean Extreme... I kind of want to do Turbo Fire. Or a hybrid of that and ChaLean Extreme. I LOVE Body Revolution though. But I've never done TurboFire or ChaLean Extreme all the way through. I really need some motivation and support here. Please post with any positive comments/suggestions you guys have!


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