The 3-Day Diet Review

Have you heard of the 3-Day Diet? You are supposed to be able to lose up to 10 pounds in just 3 days! Wow! (I'm being a little snarky here). This diet just sounds so silly to me. If you look over the food list for the three days, you really aren't eating a lot. Calorie wise, you are nowhere close to getting enough calories for your body each day. Scary.

But I saw it on Pinterest and thought it would be interesting to try as an experiment. It is plastered all over the internet, and some of the sites say to do the diet for 3 days, then to break from the diet for 4, then resume the diet again. They say to continue the 3 on, 3 off pattern until you reach your desired weight. I think that sounds dangerous. But I figured if I just did it ONE time, what is the harm in that, right?

My first thought is that healthy, clean eating and exercise should be all that you need for weight loss. Fad diets aren't good. And that's exactly what this is. A fad. So before I let you in on my review, let me say that before you start any diet, consult with your dr. I'm not an expert in anything, these are just my personal opinions.

So I set out to do the 3-day diet on Monday. I had all of my ingredients. For breakfast I had half a grapefruit, one slice of toast, one tablespoon of peanut butter, and one cup of black coffee. Yum. Actually, I dig all that stuff. Just not black coffee. Blech. Anyway. I was quite full afterwards but my breakfast only came to about 183 calories. Yikes.

Then we headed out for the day as a family. Because it was family day on Monday. We went to the Childrens Museum, the mall, and the zoo. I should have packed my lunch, but I seriously just thought we were going to the museum for a few hours and we would eat lunch at home. But we were out so late and I was so hungry. So we got Taco Bell. And since the day was already busted, I decided not to finish out the day on the diet but to start again the next day.

Tuesday also started with good intentions. I had the same breakfast. Yum. But then I had a taste of some cake we had leftover from a Labor Day picnic. That was a mistake. I ended up eating a whole piece. So, ya know... that day was busted too. So I told myself, Wednesday would be the day.

This morning, Wednesday. I did awesome. Same breakfast. Lunch, I also did awesome. Coffee, one piece of toast and half a cup of tuna.  Yes. Then we ended up going to the zoo after lunch. I thought, good because I've already eaten lunch. But on the way home I was starving and ended up eating some of my kids goldfish crackers. Then I made my kids dinner just now and find myself eating pieces of the food as I'm cooking it.

Do you see a pattern? I cannot stick with this "diet". It's just not possible for me. I do not do well with something telling me what to eat and to eat SO LITTLE at that! I do, however, do excellent and staying within my calorie goal for the day! I do. I rock at that. I try to eat healthy but if I want cake, I will have a small piece as long as I have the calories for it. So for the past few days I've been trying to eat that itty bitty bit of food and have been failing, and then I end up eating even MORE than I normally would. See? This is typical yo-yo dieting.

So, in conclusion, I would NOT recommend the 3-day diet. Is a bunch of baloney. Seriously. Just eat healthy, treat yourself every now and then, and exercise. That's it. Have a great day!


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