Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Day 1

So, the title of this post says 30 Day Shred.  If you have been keeping up with my workouts, you know that I have been doing Insanity. Well guys, not trying to be a quitter on you all, but it's not working out for me. Here's why. I'm just not PUMPED UP to do it every day. I find myself dreading working out because it's not something I look forward to doing every day. Will it get me awesome results? Probably. But I've been so unmotivated and off track for the past month. I'm actually up 3 pounds, back up to 172.

This is all a lifestyle change. I'm sure you've heard that before. This is not really a diet. This is something that I will need to do for the rest of my life. I will always need to watch what I eat. I will always need to keep my body healthy by doing exercise. We all have to find something that we LOVE to do and that we look forward to doing. I tried Insanity, and it's not for me right NOW. I feel like maybe when I get my weight lower and get in better shape, maybe I could enjoy it then. We will see. But for now, I LOVE running and I LOVE Jillian.

Now, I am DYING to restart Body Revolution. But I loaned my copy to my sister who lives farrrrr away. I am so bummed out. I definitely want her to use it, but man do I miss it. So I decided to do the next best thing, the 30 Day Shred.

It is definitely not as intense as Body Revolution. I have started this program before but never done it all the way through. When I turned it on today I let out a little sigh of relief. My heart did a little leap. It was like seeing an old friend. I LOVE Jillian. And it was actually a little bit of a challenge for me! It had been so long since I have used the weights and done lots of Jillians's moves. I burned 200 calories in the 27 minutes.

So, my new plan of attack to get me out of this slump is to do the 30 day shred and run! Have any of you had to break through a slump or a weight loss plateau? Do y'all have any advice?


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