My Couch to 5k Success!

So, I know that I finished the Couch to 5k program a long time ago. But I really cannot rave about it enough! Have any of you used this program? I bought the app on my phone and listened to my own music while I ran. It starts you off slowly and you do run/walk intervals. At first you run for just a minute and then slowly over time you increase the amount of time you run.

Well when I started this program, the very first day, I thought I was going to DIE! That one minute run almost made me pass out. I knew that there was NO WAY I would ever be able to run for 30 minutes straight, which is the ultimate goal in the couch to 5k. But seriously I just stuck with it and each time I could run a little further. I remember thinking to myself, "Wow! I ran for THREE WHOLE MINUTES!" then the next week it was "WOW! Five whole minutes!"

Anyway. So I finished the program (yay me!) but I still run VERY slowly. I'm okay with that though. I'm not in a hurry. I got nowhere to go. Ha. I would like to eventually get faster but I'm content right now with just being able to RUN. And run I do. I think I am officially addicted. I run at least 30 minutes at least 3 times a week now. Yeah, I know, that's not really that impressive compared to some of the really awesome running peeps. But you know what? It's AWESOME compared to what I used to do, which was nothing. You can't compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to YOU! I'm comparing what I can do now with what I used to do.

And really I think one of the best things I bought were a good pair of running shoes. I love my shoes. Love them. And I don't even like shoes. Seriously. What girl doesn't like shoes? That's me. I don't like them, but I love these. They make me feel awesome when I run. I have been so lucky so far because I haven't had any running injuries. I don't know if that's because I run slowly or if it's the shoes or what. But I'm thankful. These are the shoes, only mine are just plain pink. Don't they look cozy?


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