The start of INSANITY!

I started INSANITY two days ago. The first day of Insanity, you just do what is called a "Fit Test". It consists of 8 exercises and you do each exercise for one minute and you see how many of each exercise you can do in that minute. You repeat the test every two weeks and record your score to see how you are improving.

Right from the beginning of the Fit Test, I knew I was going to love Insanity. The warm up was crazy! It was high intensity cardio, and it put a smile on my face. I loved how motivating Shaun T. is without being annoying or mean. We did the warm up circuit 3 times, and each time you were supposed to push it a little harder and do the exercises a little faster. I do not think I have ever done jumping jacks so fast in my entire life. I burned 178 calories JUST on the warm up alone. To be fair, the warm up and stretching was over 10 minutes long.

I find myself already comparing it to Body Revolution. I really like the amount of time Shaun T. lets you warm up and cool down. He really takes time and gets you nice and warm. Then at the cool down stretching I feel like my muscles have had adequate stretching out. Jillian spent like a minute or so on cool down stretches. I also love that Shaun T. encourages taking a break during the workout if you need it. Jillian is always yelling at you "DON'T STOPPPPPP!" which I understand, but it's nice for someone to tell you, "hey, you do what you can do. Push yourself but stay safe and don't overdo it." So I like Shaun T. for that. I also like that he gives you breaks to take water. I always drank water while doing Body Revolution but I had to suck it down quickly before Jillian moved on.

So the Fit Test... I was impressed with my numbers because I actually beat my husband on some of the exercises (compared to his first time taking the fit test). He beat me on a few too though. Here are my results:

Switch Kicks- 63
Power Jacks- 41
Power Knees- 71
Power Jumps 31
Globe Jumps- 8
Suicide Jumps- 11
Push-Up Jacks- 21
Low Plank Oblique- 52

Those Globe Jumps were killer. I could handle the rest of them but the Globe Jumps wore me out!

And last night was my first official Insanity workout. Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I LOVED IT! Oh man did I love it. It was such high intensity. I just loved how fast everything was. And really the warm up and the cool down are seriously HALF of the workout. The actual workout FLEW by.

I can say with confidence I will get results from this program. Today I am a little sore, but as always, it is a good sore. My official weight for starting Insanity is 175. My after pictures and measurements from Body Revolution are now officially my BEFORE stats for Insanity. By they way. I lost 24 inches with Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. Pretty awesome. After I do Insanity once I am definitely going back for another round of Body Revolution.

On another note, the other night I ran a 5k. Not in a race or anything. Just on my own. I was super impressed with myself. The farthest I have ever gone before that was just a little over 2 miles. So 3.1 miles is a big accomplishment for me. Yay! Okay. That is all. Hope you are all doing well on your own personal fitness journeys!


  1. I've been doing couch to 5k & 30 Day Shred, I ran 5.3 miles on Saturday and it feels great to improve at running! Great job on those 3.1 miles!

  2. Hi,
    I told you I'd follow you... :P

    Reading you makes me realize how much alike people's stories can seem.
    I started the BR as a desperate measure to stick to a plan!

    almost 70 days past and I'm planning ahead what I'm doing next and Shaun T is there, in my plans!

    Looking at the workouts just makes me drool, I want to start it so bad. I've been controling my anxiety, so I wont do it along with BR...

    Will be reading you some more. Thank u!


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