Insanity- Cardio Recovery

So today I was kind of exhausted and not really looking forward to doing my Insanity workout. I worked hard around the house all day and took both of my kids (a 1 year old and 2 year old) grocery shopping by myself. That's exhausting. Seriously. Every single time I go shopping with them by myself I swear that I will NEVER do it again. Then the next grocery day comes along and we need food and, well, I do it alone again. Anyway. I wear one kid on my back and push the other in the shopping cart, so it is a workout in itself. I cleaned out the fridge today and did three loads of laundry. I cleaned out my son's drawers and organized clothes that were given to us. Then bath time. Oh bath time. Another lovely workout there.

So my glamorous day as a stay at home mom left me exhausted.  The thought of doing Cardio Power and Resistance tonight made me want to cry. But then I looked at my little calendar and guess what? It was NOT Cardio Power and Resistance. No. Tonight was actually Cardio Recovery! Woot woot! What a pleasant surprise! I pushed through that like a champ.

The first time I did Cardio Recovery I thought it was really hard. It's definitely slower than the other workouts, but still definitely a WORKOUT. It just hurts. You go into deep squats and lunges and you just hold the pose for what seems like an eternity and thennnnn you PULSE IT. Ouch. Hurts. But tonight it wasn't as bad. Still burned but burning is good.

Tomorrow I am hopefully going to the zoo with my mama and kids. Hopefully. They are calling for some rain. I always burn a ton of calories walking around the zoo so I would really love for the rain to just hold off while we are there.

I'm pretty excited for my weigh in on Monday. I think this week has been really great. I am really loving Insanity! I honestly don't think I would be able to do it at all if I hadn't started with Body Revolution first.

How are y'all doing on your fitness journeys?


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