DONE with Jillian Michaels Body Revolution!

I did it! I finished Jillian Michaels Body Revolution! I cannot believe I am done. Whew. I never actually thought I would do it. Usually I quit things before I finish them. So this is pretty big for me. Huge! Okay. So my official weight loss during the program was 23 pounds. I will have to measure myself tomorrow to get my inches. But I took my after picture. Compared to my before picture, it's a big difference. At least I think it's a big difference. It is so embarrassing to post this before picture, but I am going to just to show that Jillian Michaels Body Revolution DOES WORK!

So. Those are the results. Ugh. Those before pictures are so so awful. I am never going back there again. The after pictures look so much better, but I still have a long way to go. A long way. But I just proved to myself that I can do it. Next up is Insanity. I start tomorrow. I will be blogging through my Insanity journey as well. See you tomorrow!


  1. You look amaaaazing! I'm so proud of you :)

  2. Congrats! You have a lot to be proud of!

  3. You look great. Good job. It's a huge difference your body before and after :)


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