Workout 12

So yesterday was workout 12 and today was Cardio 3 (again). Workout 12 was not as bad as I thought it was going to be but wheel pushups were killer. Wheel pushups... how to describe them. It's like you are bending over backwards and doing pushups at the same time. Yeah. Jillian Michaels just about killed me with that move. I couldn't do the pushing up part so I just held myself in that wheel pose.

I'm kind of bummed out that my Body Revolution with Jillian is almost done. I am halfway through week 11 now. So just 2.5 more weeks and I will be done. I was going to restart the program and use heavier weights and do the more difficult modifications. But now I think I will do Insanity (um... TRY to do Insanity) to mix things up with my body a little bit. I heard that if you change up your routine it will shock your body and change it. So the plan is for me to try Insanity for the 60 days, then go BACK to Body Revolution for another round of 90 days! By my calculations, if I stay on track with both of these programs for their entirety, I should be able to meet my fitness goals. I would love to get down to 135. If I lose 2 pounds a week then I would meet that goal by the end of Insanity and Body Revolution Round 2. My husband just finished his first week of Insanity and lost 5 pounds.  Anyone out there tried Insanity?

I took my measurements today just because my legs feel so much smaller. I was shocked that I have lost 3 inches in my bust. And 3 inches around my belly button. I will post my official inches/weight lost on my last day of Body Revolution. I'm nervous and excited to take my after picture. I FEEL like I look so much different than before, but when the pictures are side by side, I hope that other people will be able to see the difference as well.

I'm looking forward to workout 11 again tomorrow!


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