Workout 11

Workout 11 was the toughest so far! But I ws very pleased and surprised that my body was actually capable of doing all the moves. I had to modify some slightly or couldn't do them as fast as Jillian wanted, but I could do them! I was so proud of my body. I burned about 385 calories.

Today was weigh in day and I weighed 177! Yay! A 2 pound loss this week and down 18 since the start of Body Revolution. I went slightly over my calories tonight but I'm not concerned. I was hungry this evening and wanted another bowl of oatmeal, so I ate it. I'm using today as a treat day. Its nice to treat yourself every once in a while. I used to make my husband buy me a big pint of ben and jerrys ice cream. I'd say a bowl of oatmeal is much better than that. Today was super stressful and I'm sick and just feel awful. I'm impressed I didn't go over my calories more than I did. Hope you are all doing well on your Body Revolution journeys!


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