Done with week 11 of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

Tomorrow I do Cardio 3 and then I am done with week 11 of Body Revolution. Then I just have 2 weeks left. I'm so so so excited! I have seen some people skipping the 13th week of workouts and ending the program with week 12 but I feel like workouts 11 and 12 are really awesome and will bring me great results if I keep it up.

I think my goal to end Body Revolution is to get to 171. That's about 4 more pounds judging from what I weighed this morning. I would love to hit 170 or even 169 but I would really have to push it for the next 2 weeks. We will see. I know I really need to drink more water. It is so hot here. It was almost 100 degrees today!

I weighed my lowest today and I so wish it was my official weigh day. Tomorrow is my friends wedding and I'm seriously going to try to not over eat.  Wish me luck!


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