Anyone gotten off track?

I know I haven't updated in a while, and I wanted to do so. I got off track yet again. I feel awful about that but it happened. I think that it doesnt matter if you get off track, its just important that you get back ON track. And I am back.

I had lots of stuff going on in my life, which is no excuse but sometimes life gets in the way. Well, my little girl turned 1 two days ago and we are officially done breastfeeding. I'm both sad and relieved. I'm excited to really crack down on this weight loss journey.

So I kept getting stuck on week 9 and I restarted phase 3 like 5 times. About two weeks ago I restarted again and decided I wouldn't blog again until I stuck with it and finished weeks 9 and 10 and I'm happy to tell you that tonight I finished week 10. Tomorrow I will begin week 11 and I am positive with only 3 weeks left that I will not get off track any more. I'm excited to finish up. I'm also excited to take my final weight and measurements and my before and after photos.

When I got off track the past month and a half, I gained back a lot of my weight. I was back up to 189. Ugh. So when I stopped Body Revolution, I gained weight. I was making poor food choices. Now I am happy to report that last Monday I weighed in at 179! Can you believe it? In the 170s! That's still so high but it feels like such a relief to be out of the 180s. I remember when I went from 200 to 199... the feeling was amazing. It feels like that. I feel so awesome. Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I cant wait to see what I will weigh.

Just a reminder, when I started Jillian Michaels Body Revolution I weighed 195, so I have lost 16 pounds so far. 3 more weeks left and I feel confident I will have at least a 20 pound loss.

I had to buy new pants the other day and I fit in a pair of 14s! 14! When I started, I was in a size 18! This is crazy.

But what is craziest is that my daughter is 1 now, and the day that I had her (before I had her) I weighed 244. I feel so ashamed just writing that. But its true. 244. Now I'm 179. I can't even begin to tell you how much better I feel about myself. I'm only 20 pounds away from the weight I was when I first met my husband. I can get there. I can do it.

My husband gave up on Body Revolution but he just bought Insanity and is on Day 4! He is doing great and I will be starting that when Body Revolution is over.

Sorry this is so long, I'm just excited about finishing up! I will write tomorrow to let you all know how workout 11 went.


  1. good for you getting back on track. I enjoy reading your blog. My partner and I started this program at the end of March to lose weight in preparation for a cruise. We worked our butts off (literally!) and we lost 26 pounds. I was down to 151 for the cruise--I wanted to be in the 140's but I just didn't quite get there. Of course on the cruise we put some of the weight back on. We've been back for 3 days and still haven't worked out. We plan on starting back tomorrow so that we can finish this thing and transition to maintenance.

  2. You guys are such an inspiration! 26 pounds! Excellent work!


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