Working out on vacation didnt work out.

I tried. Really I did. I did body revolution three times on my vacation and couch to 5k once. The other days we really were on the go and busy up until very late.

My daughter got very sick when we were traveling in Maine. She gets croup a lot and she got it again... it was so bad and wasn't getting better during the day. So we took her to a dr in vermont and got a nebulizer and medication to give her breathing treatments. We have all that at home but I didn't think to bring it on the trip. I will from now on though. So I have been giving her treatments every few hours and she has been up in the middle of the night. I'm exhausted. I need a vacation. Ha!

So I have decided to just to repeat week 8 starting on Monday, but I will workout tomorrow (Sunday). I have also been eating as good as possible but I still have gone over a few times.

We stayed at the Von Trapp Family Lodge in Vermont! And we also toured the Ben and Jerry's factory... so we ate some ice cream. I got frozen greek yogurt with peanut butter and banana. It was delicious.

Now we are driving home to virginia. We are currently in New York so we still have like 9 hours of driving and more stops because we have little kids to feed and change. I'm so ready to be home and to eat real food again. I am so sick of fast food and even restaurant food. I tried McDonalds oatmeal today though for breakfast and it was good. Not fabulous like my oatmeal I make at home but decent and so much better than hash browns and hotcakes.

So I will resume my blog this week and just pick up on the days I missed. I am so afraid to see how much weight I gained on this trip. What will the damage be I wonder? I tried to do my best. I will just have to accept whatever the scale says and start fresh and get back in the swing of things tomorrow.


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