Join me on my Jillian Michaels Body Revolution journey!

Hello! Thanks for visiting this blog. I first read about Jillian Michaels Body Revolution on MyFitnessPal. Many people were comparing it to P90X, which I have always wanted to try, but didn't want to pay that much money, and I didn't like the length of the workouts. Body Revolution is supposed to be 90 days of 30 minute workouts. That, I can do.

I'm a stay at home mom to 2 little kiddos, ages 2 and 8 months. So I'm very busy. After I got married I was at a very happy weight of 135, but then I was on all different medications and had trouble with my thyroid and gained a lot of weight. After I had my kids I lost a lot of weight but never could get lower than 192. Right now I'm sitting at 195 ish, and it fluctuates. I just can't seem to get over this little hump. My dream weight would be to get back down to 135. 60 pounds to go. I don't realistically think that Body Revolution will make me lose 60 pounds. I am hoping to lose 25 pounds during the program. I'm excited to see how this will go.

Now, I am notorious for starting things and never finishing them. I don't want it to be the case with this. I have to succeed. I cannot stand the thought of not being in shape. I want to take my kids outside to the pool or to the beach without feeling ashamed. I would love to run with them on the sand and chase them outside without feeling my fat flubbering around. So I'm starting Body Revolution to change my life.

I will blog throughout the program giving you my stats and thoughts on the workouts. I don't have the dvds yet, they should actually arrive tomorrow. I'm so excited to begin. Once the program gets here, I will look it over and then I will make another post giving you all my (embarrassing) stats of my measurements and weight (eeek). I will probably start Body Revolution on Monday. My husband will be doing it with me too.

30 minutes a day. I can do it. Come on guys, leave me some encouragement here, and follow me. If you are looking to buy Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, this is the blog to read. I will post some before pictures as well (so embarrassing).


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