Body Revolution Day 3 of 90

Whew, I almost didn't get to workout tonight. I had a busy day so I intended on working out after my kids went to sleep tonight. Well, my 8 month old daughter would not go to sleep! I think her teeth are bothering her. Anyway she was so exhausted and just crying and I couldn't put her down. I finally nursed her to sleep around 11:20 p.m. (so late!). Part of me just wanted to go to sleep right then, but I promised myself no excuses. If I get off track I will slowly start making more excuses and validate it in my mind. So even though it was so late I did the cardio dvd twice. I don't know or really care if it is good or bad to workout so late. I just know that I needed to get it done. I feel accomplished.

So I burned 609 calories in the 53 ish minutes it took to complete the cardio dvds twice. Body Revolution day 3 already has me feeling more fit. I swear my pants were falling off of me today. Not my jeans, my pajama pants that are usually a little snug. I had to keep pulling them up when I got up this morning. I feel trimmer. Is that possible already? Jillian Michaels really gets results. I'm so excited to see where I will be at the end of this revolution.

I can do almost all of the cardio without stopping but those running mans... nope. I have to modify those and just jump up and down like a fool when it gets too hard, then I get back into it. I just can't do a whole minute of them. I hope by the end of it I will be able to.

Alright so tomorrow is workout 1 again along with cardio. I will be glad when I'm done with the 7 day kickstart because even though I enjoy cardio, I feel like I will get bored with the cardio dvd if I had to do it every day like I am now.

Okay, I will write more tomorrow!


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