
Showing posts from October, 2019


Well. I am here again. Here as in blogging again. But here as in, overweight and unhappy, again. How many times will I go up and down with my weight? I was in the best shape of my life a year and a half ago. But so many things have stressed me out lately and I have had health issues. I haven't been as motivated to eat right or exercise. I haven't been consistent with any one thing. I go through this awful cycle of wanting to get in shape and having these ideas of what diet or exercise program I'm going to do, then do it for like a half a week and then get bored with it or totally hate it and so then I quit. Then the next month, I choose a different diet and a different workout program. And I quit. I can't get back into going to the gym. It's too expensive right now and I don't have the time to go with homeschooling and working from home. I also don't have the motivation to go unless I know a friend is going too. I always think back to when I first started th