
Showing posts from May, 2015

Getting Over a Weight Loss Plateau: Getting the Scale Finally Moving Again!

Well guys, I have been trying to lose weight since my baby was born... 18 months ago. I hadn't lost anything other than the 8 or so pounds immediately after he was born. I was breastfeeding him and expected the weight to fall off.  It didn't.  I am still breastfeeding him and I heard that some people just hang on to the weight when they nurse. But still, it's frustrating. But I had not been good about my eating. Or exercising. So why should I expect to lose any weight really, right? So as I posted, I joined the YMCA at the end of February and ever since I have been going 4+ times a week! I have exercised SO much in the past few months and feel so proud. My fitness level has gone up tremendously. I went from literally never exercising to doing it every day! Surely I would lose weight then right? Wrong. I still wasn't losing anything. Almost two months later and not even a pound lost. But guess what? My eating was still awful. I just didn't care what I put into my bod

Polar FT7 Heart Rate Monitor Review

A few years back, I was using the Polar FT4 heart rate monitor and loved it! I loved it all the way up until the battery died. Then you have to send it into the manufacturer for them to replace the battery. That is such a hassle. So I tried to pry the back open by myself without the tool, which ended up basically just ruining the device. Then I started using the body media fit, which I also loved, but didn't love the monthly subscription fee. A few months ago I bought the Polar FT7 Heart Rate Monitor  (affiliate link). You can change the battery to this one by yourself. I have to say that this is by far my favorite way to track my calories and heart rate during a workout. The body media I felt did a great job tracking the calories I burned, but it didn't tell me my heart rate. I'm a very visual person, so I absolutely love seeing all the data that the Polar FT7 gives me. It's important to me to see what my heart rate is during a workout to make sure it is not too high.