
Showing posts from September, 2014

It's been over a year...

I can't believe it. It has been over a year since I have blogged. How did that even happen? Wow. I have been so busy with three young kids. My baby will be 10 months old tomorrow. My oldest kid is 5 and my middle kid is 3. I'm also homeschooling this year. So between the high energy and high needs of my three young kids, homeschooling, breastfeeding the youngest... I haven't even thought to blog. I need exercise so badly. I know I do. I'm so stressed out with kids and am exhausted. I know that exercise is exactly what I need to take my stress away and give me more energy. The problem is finding that time. After I had my last baby I was able to lose a lot of weight by doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution. Well just in the past week my baby has started actually sleeping longer at night. He used to not sleep at all if I'm not laying down with him nursing. We cosleep (bed share, specifically), just like I did with the other kids. Usually I could nurse him to sle