
Showing posts from August, 2012

Before and Afters- 53 Total Pounds Down!

 I am seriously lacking motivation this week. I have done a fair share of workouts this week. I've done Insanity twice and I've done LOTS of walks with the kids and dancing. I've also gone to Walmart to get groceries, by myself, with two kids... and I'm sure that burns a lot of calories, so... But I've done pretty bad with the eating. The scale is up this week and that always gets me in a bummed out mood. So to try to motivate myself, I am just gonna post a before and after picture so I can SEE how far I've come. I need to see it so I don't slip back there again. Before. Now. Down 53 pounds (ish) So there are my before and afters. I definitely see a difference. I tried to find an after picture where I don't have a kid strapped to my body, but I cannot find any.I am ashamed of how huge I was before and grateful that I am losing weight now. It's a constant thing, it's a daily thing. I slip, I mess up, I eat too much, then I hav

Making dinner and burning calories at the same time

Yes. This is how we roll in my house. Making dinner, babywearing, and burning calories- all at the same time. Triple win! Today is one of those days where I will not have time to officially exercise. So what's a girl to do? Wear a baby on your back and do some squats, that's what! Woo hoo. I kept handing my daughter lima beans to eat while I was cooking and I'm sure I have about 10 down my back now. Have a great night!

Babywearing Burns Calories

I thought I would write a little bit about "babywearing" today. It's something I'm pretty passionate about. I absolutely love to wear my babies. That sounds weird, doesn't it? Basically it means that I carry my kids around in baby carriers throughout the day. It keeps us close, touching, and bonded. It comforts my kids, it keeps me hands-free, and it basically makes our lives SO much easier. When my daughter (14 months old) was born, she would not stop crying. So I had a wrap that I wore to keep her close to me and it seriously was the only thing that would make her stop crying. Doctor said it was colic. It was awful, but babywearing got us through it. I started off with a stretchy wrap. That is how my babywearing days began. But then I finally had enough money to buy a woven wrap. Stretchy wraps are great for babies when they are tiny and squishy, but as they grow, the stretchy wrap will stretch and become uncomfortable. So I bought my first woven wrap, a Neobull

My Couch to 5k Success!

So, I know that I finished the Couch to 5k program a long time ago. But I really cannot rave about it enough! Have any of you used this program? I bought the app on my phone and listened to my own music while I ran. It starts you off slowly and you do run/walk intervals. At first you run for just a minute and then slowly over time you increase the amount of time you run. Well when I started this program, the very first day, I thought I was going to DIE! That one minute run almost made me pass out. I knew that there was NO WAY I would ever be able to run for 30 minutes straight, which is the ultimate goal in the couch to 5k. But seriously I just stuck with it and each time I could run a little further. I remember thinking to myself, "Wow! I ran for THREE WHOLE MINUTES!" then the next week it was "WOW! Five whole minutes!" Anyway. So I finished the program (yay me!) but I still run VERY slowly. I'm okay with that though. I'm not in a hurry. I got nowhere to go

Off track, yet again

I have been off track again. I hate when that happens so much! I have still been working out, running mostly and lots of walking. But I haven't done Insanity in almost 2 weeks. That's not okay. I have to get back on track. I WILL get back on track today. I have 2 more days of week 3 of Insanity. I can do this. I could really use some encouragement right now.