Before and Afters- 53 Total Pounds Down!

I am seriously lacking motivation this week. I have done a fair share of workouts this week. I've done Insanity twice and I've done LOTS of walks with the kids and dancing. I've also gone to Walmart to get groceries, by myself, with two kids... and I'm sure that burns a lot of calories, so... But I've done pretty bad with the eating. The scale is up this week and that always gets me in a bummed out mood. So to try to motivate myself, I am just gonna post a before and after picture so I can SEE how far I've come. I need to see it so I don't slip back there again. Before. Now. Down 53 pounds (ish) So there are my before and afters. I definitely see a difference. I tried to find an after picture where I don't have a kid strapped to my body, but I cannot find any.I am ashamed of how huge I was before and grateful that I am losing weight now. It's a constant thing, it's a daily thing. I slip, I mess up, I eat too much, then I hav...