
Showing posts from March, 2015

Is It Worth It to Join the YMCA?

I just cannot do it. I have tried so many times and failed. Working out at home with the three little kids is just not working out. They bug me nonstop when I'm trying to work out, and they need me constantly. The little one crawls all over me and the older ones yell or fight. I can't do it. Sure, I can do it at nap time. But we homeschool and nap time is school time. If I do work out while they are awake I end up being so overly stressed that it's not an enjoyable experience. I get so stressed out doing the very thing that is supposed to help me destress. Working out is supposed to be my "me" time. It just hasn't been. It's been miserable. I am miserable trying to do it at home. So two weeks ago we re-joined the YMCA. We were members from like 2010 until last summer. I gotta tell you, we honestly only went a few times a year, other than in the summer time. We used the outside pool all the time in the summer. But actually GOING to the YMCA to workout on a