
Showing posts from March, 2013

TurboFire Week 1 Review

I finished the first week of TurboFire! Yay! It was amazing! I lost three pounds, which is amazing for me. All of the workouts I did were very intense but I never felt like stopping. I basically smiled the entire workout every day. Chalene makes working out so much fun. I was very concerned about not being able to keep up but that was not an issue at all. I could keep up the whole time without feeling worn out. I was also worried about the choreography. I don't consider myself very coordinated and I'm not good at learning routines or dances. But I have caught on so quickly! Chalene starts with one move and then adds one move on to that. Then you do that a few times then she will add on another move, and so on. It is brilliant, and makes routines so easy to learn! Three pounds! Wow! I weighed in Monday at 154! That is one pound lower than I was when I met my husband. I have said before that 155 was my first official goal. And I'm there! I can only imagine where the next 3 mo